Srirangam Ramesh Blogs

Hello! Welcome to my blog dear friend.
Well. This is not a blog for just one interest group but rather it is for multiple groups of interest segments. Here is a collection of text and audio content most of which I have authored or compiled for an interesting engagement.
You should have come here for a reason. But I’m sure you would find more than what you have come for.
As a person with a passion for writing as a hobby, with the objective of sustaining and improving upon my writing ability and verbal expressions, I could come up with some material worth sharing with others. I want to keep this blog as a repository of my humble works that should grow bigger and more interesting over time.
Writing Poetry in English and Tamil and translation works from Tamil to English are my favourite engagements. But I write only when the core content, sparks an inspiration. Such works take me through a peculiar linguistic-cultural transgression at the formation level which I enjoy like a divine drug.
Besides what is seen here, I intend to write on just about anything that enraptures my mind for thought. Fresh articles on social issues and reviews on art, music, and south Indian cinema would be uploaded constantly. English movies would also be commented upon if the emotions of the content are found fit for universal reference.
My film review may not be like a conventional narration about the whole film and the crew. Instead, I prefer to focus upon the gravity of substance and the value of entertainment delivered. Sometimes I wish to give a metaphoric one-liner as a comment and just leave it there without compulsive recommendations. It is up to you to go through the other details from the net and decide to watch or reject the film.
I’m sure your visit would be a pleasurable one for you as much as it is for me. Please do leave your kind comments in the respective comments section and that would help to appraise the blog page and improve it in many ways as it grows.
As the blog grows, I hope you find the pages more interesting and invite you to come again. And again.
Do feel free to refer it to your friends in your circle.
May love prevail and let God smile at us.
             -Srirangam Ramesh.

Top 10 Posts

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My Literary Works

Literature when explored is understood to be a multi-faced diamond that reflects a civilization, a culture, a language, a social ideology, a spiritual self - all at once to remember, recall, feel and act accordingly into the future. Till then it remains as just a piece of coal.
-Srirangam Ramesh

My Books

The author of a book is your best friend when you tell that you like what is written.
- Srirangam Ramesh

Good Read

The phrase ‘real story' is a funny oxymoron, a 'false story' is a redundant phrase, a myth is a ‘story believed’, fiction is a lie that could happen, a lie is but a story told. Anything that is interesting to know or enlightening and soul-satisfying to read is a ‘Good read’.
-Srirangam Ramesh

Good Videos

Here are some very enlightening videos that should be interesting to all. These videos are some recommendations, to begin with. More such videos of good knowledge value, good humor, motivational speeches, and fine wellness contents shall be posted here periodically.
-Srirangam Ramesh

My Poetry

Poetry is a priceless verbal perfume that is frozen with the fragrance of nostalgia or just a thought expressed in words with a rhyme and rhythm of a dancing soul.
- Srirangam Ramesh


Good Videos Here are some very enlightening videos that should be interesting to all. These videos are some recommendations, to begin with. More such videos of good knowledge value, good humor, motivational speeches, and fine wellness contents shall be posted here periodically..
- Srirangam Ramesh

My Reviews

Films that are too good or too bad do not need a review. Ratings from 1 to 5 should be assumed between Awful and Awesome.
- Srirangam Ramesh

தேன் கிண்ணம்

அனைவரும் விரும்பி படிப்பதற்குச் சுவையான தகவல்களின் தொகுப்பு . தினமும் புதிய செய்திகள் தரும் பகுதி தேன்கிண்ணம்.தமிழ் பல்சுவை பகுதிக்கு வருக. அனைவருடனும் பகிர்ந்து இன்புருக .மனமார்ந்த வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

Disclaimer: Universal contents found worth reading is taken from social free media and compiled in some sections here to make it interesting for the readers. Such free source contents are understood not to have any issues with copyright. If any such violation is seen, a written objection by the original author may be kindly intimated so that it can be removed within 48 hrs from the time of reading the request. The blog intends no such violations whatsoever. The objective of this blog is purely educational. 

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